Shorewood Centennial
Shorewood Centennial
Estabrook Park Centennial Banner
Estabrook Park Centennial Banner
Shorewood Stories Banner series
Shorewood Stories Banner series
Shorewood and the Milwaukee River
Shorewood and the Milwaukee River
IFLA Conference Poster series
IFLA Conference Poster series
Ghost Train Project
Ghost Train Project
UWM Green Initiatives Banner
UWM Green Initiatives Banner
Shorewood Centennial
Shorewood CentennialShorewood, WI is celebrating 100 years in 2017. This banner depicts "then and now" scenarios, so residents and visitors alike can see how the village has developed over the 100 year period.
Estabrook Park Centennial Banner
Estabrook Park Centennial BannerEstabrook Park, a Milwaukee County park, is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. This banner was created in cooperation with the Shorewood Historical Society and highlights different aspects of the park's history and development. It is on display at the Kilbourntown House, which is located on the southern end of the park.
Shorewood Stories Banner series
Shorewood Stories Banner seriesShorewood Historical Society is developing an outreach campaign to show their collection of historical artifacts about Shorewood, WI. This is one of 4 initial 3'x5' wall banners summarizing the history of the village, which currently hang in the Village Hall. Future banners will be developed detailing certain aspects of Shorewod's history, including a traveling exhibit.
Shorewood and the Milwaukee River
Shorewood and the Milwaukee RiverThe second series of wall banners commissioned by the Shorewood Historical Society focusing on the Milwaukee River, which abuts the Village of Shorewood. The four banners will cover different aspects of how the river has influenced Sherwood's history through commerce, recreation, and development. Each banner is 3'x5'.
IFLA Conference Poster series
IFLA Conference Poster seriesInternational Federation of Libraries Association conference 3'x6' poster for the director of UWM Libraries. Posters from 2012 and 2013 also available.
Ghost Train Project
Ghost Train ProjectA Village of Shorewood and Shorewood Historical Society joint project about the train line which used to come through Shorewood and was influential in its development.
UWM Green Initiatives Banner
UWM Green Initiatives BannerUWM has developed green roofs on several buildings to reduce rainwater runoff. This outdoor 3.5'x4' exhibit banner announces the exhibit of the project development in the library.
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