Fourth of July Parade
Fourth of July Parade
Getting Parade Candy
Getting Parade Candy
Two Twos
Two Twos
Playing a Game
Playing a Game
Brigita and Extended Family
Brigita and Extended Family
Brigita and Velta
Brigita and Velta
Orthodox Icons
Orthodox Icons
Mirdza and Nina
Mirdza and Nina
Grandson Painting Bench
Grandson Painting Bench
PlaytimeKids playing in the yard with toys.
Fourth of July Parade
Fourth of July ParadeKids watching the parade go by while participants pass out candy from buckets.
Getting Parade Candy
Getting Parade CandyChild picking up candy from the street during a parade.
Two Twos
Two TwosYoung children next to a car.
Playing a Game
Playing a GameChildren playing games in the yard.
Brigita and Extended Family
Brigita and Extended FamilyIn the summer, cemeteries throughout Latvia have a church service and it's not unusual for extended families to have a reunion. In the country village cemeteries, the feast happens right in the cemetery.
Brigita and Velta
Brigita and VeltaChildhood friends, these ladies frequently accompany each other to the cemetery.
Orthodox Icons
Orthodox IconsBy the Eastern Orthodox cemeteries one can buy images and figurines of saints.
Mirdza and Nina
Mirdza and Nina"Aunt" Mirdza and her friend, Nina, rest to have a candy after raking leaves off a friend's family plot.
Grandson Painting Bench
Grandson Painting BenchA grandson helps his grandmother by painting the bench. One often sees grandparents with grandchildren tagging along in the cemetery.
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